New Year Resolutions


Happy New Year to everyone! Its finally 2010 and the most hectic season of the year is finally over. Though I ended the year with a heavy heart. I’m going to make it a point to finish this post before I hit the sack.

2009 has been a very interesting year with a change of environment and new responsibilities. New friends, new work, and brand new experiences. December has been a huge rush with all the events piling up and work weighing down on me. The year has flown by and I’m already starting to miss it a little. Not trying to get stuck in the past, I’m setting down some resolutions to keep my 2010 in check:

  1. Be more efficient with work. Work has definitely taken a huge toll on me and everything has been piling up. I need to be more efficient and quick about things to keep the ball rolling. 2010 looks like a good thing to make sure it flows smoothly to the outbox.
  2. Take up a new skill.Its high time I stopped doing boring stuff and learn a new trick. It would be great to take up a sport or course to keep things fresh for me. I think I’ve been staring at my laptop too much and losing my life.
  3. Dress better.People have been commenting that I don’t dress my age or I seem sloppy. New year, new clothes. Time to clean up my wardrobe and give it a new lease of life. Looks like a trip down fashion street is in order.

These 3 points would already be a tall order for me and I hope I can keep to them. What’s your new year resolutions, feel free to comment below and share some of them.

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